The Second Hospitality Training Launched Sticky


On January 24, 2011, the Pendeba Society launched its second hospitality training for another cohort of 14 local villagers from across Tingri County, among whom 12 are female participants.

Mr. Badun, who possesses an almost 20-year culinary career within China and is now the Chief Chef of Mt. Everest Hotel in Tingri County, is invited to be our trainer of this training program. He is a seasoned cook who specializes in both Tibetan and Chinese cuisines, as well as Western bakeries.

During this 10-day training program, with the help of Chef Badun, our trainees will be extensively exposed to various dimensions of cookery from basics of knife skills and knowledge of raw materials to preparing delicious dishes in practice. In addition to cooking skills, our trainees will also have chances to learn other aspects of hospitality industry. This will include knowledge and tips on hotel management and hospitality service manners.

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Local Study Tour to Gangga Town Sticky


With an aim to better introduce local environment and other sustainability issues to our trainees of the three-month Nature Guide Ecotourism English Training program, the Pendeba Society took a local study tour to the heartland of Mt. Everest region in Gangga Town on January 20, 2011. 25 participants went on this one-day tour, among whom 10 were women.

Before the study tour began, Mr. Tsering Norbu, Executive Director of the Pendeba Society, gave a vivid introduction of local geographical settings and environmental conservation to all the trainees in the exhibition hall of the Pendeba Society Training Center. By observing topographical sand modes, the trainees gained a visual idea and due knowledge of what their living surroundings were and became familiarized with the visiting site of the next day’s study tour.

After three hours’ driving, we stopped at the Snow Leopard Guest House where our trainees were introduced with some general hospitality manners. The manager of the guest house first led us to a meeting room to give a brief introduction of their guest house and then further developed some knowledge that a good attendant working in a guest house was supposed to have. Then we were guided to a standard double room where the manager introduced to our trainees some basic work and skills in room service. 

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Pendeba Ecotourism English Training Program Launched in QNNP Sticky


On December 16, the QNNP Pendeba Society launched its Ecotourism English Training Program for local villagers in the QNNP. The opening ceremony for this three-month intensive English training program was attended by Mr. Tsering Zhandui, Deputy Governor of Tingri County, Mr. Gama, Director of Tingri County Tourism Bureau, Mr. Badun, Director of Tingri County Labor Bureau.

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November Study Tour in Yunnan Sticky


[img_assist|nid=76|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=400|height=372]From November 19th to 29th 2010, the QNNP Pendeba Society organized a study tour for both local government officials and villagers to the Shangri-La area in Yunnan Province and other parts of inland China. This ten-day study tour aimed to expose concerned participants to and learn locally-based knowledge and best practices of ecological tourism development and management, and how to raise local income by way of participating and experiencing in eco-tourism activities. Led by the director of the Pendeba Society, Tesring Norbu, the tour was grouped by a total of nine participants from Tingri County Government and local village representatives who will be joining the upcoming Nature Guide Training Program in December.

During the tour, the participants had very productive and informative conversations with government officials from Shanri-La County and County Tourism Bureau as well as local villagers who have been actively involved in eco-tourism development and management activities. Escorted and guided by local government officials and villagers, the group had the chance to visit a number of different places and project sites that portray a vivid sustainable tourism picture in the region.

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Official Launch of the 2010 Hospitality Training Program of The Pendeba Society in Qomolangma National Nature Preserve (QNNP) Sticky


On October 5th, the QNNP Pendeba Society launched the first hospitality training program for local villagers in the QNNP. The opening ceremony for this 10 day program was attended by Mr. Sonam, the deputy director of the Dingri County Tourism Bureau. Mr. Sonam showed his support for the Pendeba Society through his opening remarks that highlighted the importance of such programs for harmonious development in QNNP.

Mr. Tsering Norbu the executive director of the Pendeba Society hosted the opening session and introduced the upcoming schedule. The goal of comprehensive Tibetan style hospitality training is supported by specific classes including cooking, tourism management, and sustainable development. Several local restaurants and hotels in Baibar Township will also be visited to demonstrate application of the topics learnt.

A well-known and qualified Tibetan cook Mr. Mima Tsering from Shigatse, who used to cook for the Tenth Panchen Lama has been invited to teach this cook training. Tibetan and Chinese style dishes will be taught to the participants by different methods and techniques. In total 15 participants from 6 village communities are attending the training program.

Staff from the QNNP Pendeba Society and Dingri County Tourism Bureau will conduct training and workshops on:

v Introduction of the QNNP                                          

v Concept of the Pendeba Program                    

v Conservation and Sustainable Development

v Community Involvement in Nature Preserves

v Tourism Development

v Hygiene and Sanitation

v Menu and Billing

v Restaurant Atmosphere and Environment

v Treatment of Guests

v Lodging Management

In order to achieve the long-term effects this training program will be given three times over the coming 7 months to three separate cohorts of 15 participants.  Each will receive intensive hospitality training in accordance with the shared goals of sustainable development.

This program is possible through the generous support of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives. The Pendeba Society extends its deep appreciation to the Canada Fund for its support, appreciation not only from The Pendeba Society, but also the people of the QNNP for whom this support has provided an opportunity to realize their human potential.

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New Eco-Tourism Training Program launches to help reduce local poverty and increase local capacity Sticky


[img_assist|nid=59|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=300|height=182]The Pendeba Society is pleased to announce the launch of a new seven-month training program with generous funding from the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI).

The goals of the program are to help reduce local poverty and to increase local capacity by providing practical job skills training to women and men as needed by the communities.

The “Eco-Tourism Training Program” is designed as an intensive program that will provide vocational training to 65 women and men from the QNNP. The new Pendebas will receive new knowledge and skills through attending classes, industry networking events, and local study. The Pendeba Society also intends to build a network for community-based ecotourism operators in the QNNP.

Moreover participants will be recommended to join either intensive English language training for nature-guides or hospitality training . Courses will be taught by expert-related departments from local government, practitioners from the eco-tourism industry & relevant institutions, and Pendeba Society staff.

This Fund will also be used to create a permanent exhibition corridor for eco-tourism in the QNNP where locals can display the work of the Pendeba Society and partners.

Finally, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the strong support from Qomolangma National Nature Preserve Management Bureau and Foreign Affairs Office of the Shigatse Prefecture Government. A special thanks goes to the kind support from our volunteers.

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Pendeba Society Informational Brochure Sticky

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Pendebas Receive Training in Environmental Protection and Disease Prevention Sticky



Since May 6th, 26 women from three towns in Dingri County have participated in “Pendeba” training, a training designed to educate locally elected village leaders on key health issues, the environment and sustainable development. On Saturday, May 8th, Doctor Cirendawa from the local village clinic gave an introductory speech on women’s health, focusing on disease prevention and treatment. The morning workshop consisted of small group discussions and a question and answer session. Participants engaged enthusiastically in discussions and shared their personal experiences, as the topics related closely to their everyday lives.    

On May 9th, Mr. Cirenduobujie of the Qomolangma National Nature Preserve (QNNP) Dingri Branch discussed management and protection of the Preserve. Mr. Cirenduonongjie hopes that when Pendebas return to their villages that they will be proactive, take responsibility for protecting the environment, and cooperate with the local government to educate others on the importance of conservation. He emphasized that environmental protection is not only the responsibility of the government, but of everyone living in the QNNP area.

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May 7, 2010 Daily News from 2010 Pendeba Training Sticky


[img_assist|nid=51|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=400|height=225]On the morning of May 7th, prior to the start of the Pendeba Training, Deputy Director of Future Generations China, Cili Norbu and Director of the Pendeba Society, Tsering Norbu, organized a warm up activity for trainees. This was the first time that participants had ever taken part in such activities.

After the warm-up activity, Director Gama of the Dingri Tourism Bureau introduced the concept of eco-tourism to participants. Following the introduction, he gave a detailed introduction to eco-tourism development in the region, emphasizing the methods through which locals could and should participate in tourism development, how they can benefit from it, and simultaneously improve their lives.

During the workshop, Director Gama, together with trainees, identified the natural and cultural resources of Dingri County. Director Gama emphasized that protecting these resources and using them in a responsible fashion is the precondition for establishing a sustainable tourism industry in the area. He also pointed out that the Qomolangma Nature Preserve is Dingri County’s most famous tourist destination, a world-class natural resource, and that the local Buddhist temples and traditional Tibetan culture in the area are also rich and unique resources that could attract many tourists.

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2010 Pendeba Training Sticky




The 2010 Pendeba Training began on Thursday, May 6th.  Participants in this year’s training include 26 Tibetan women from villages in Dingri County. Ms. Cirenlamu, Chairwoman of Zhage Village, is this year’s oldest trainee. Ms. Baimaquji, Chairwoman of Jeiluo Village in Dingri County, is the youngest. Twelve participants have attended previous training sessions.

Tsering Norbu, Director of the Pendeba Society, Cili Norbu, Deputy Director of Future Generations China, and local trainees enjoyed a festive welcome banquet yesterday evening during which locals performed traditional Tibetan song and dance.

Tsering Norbu was the facilitator of today’s opening ceremony events, and Ms. Micang, Deputy Director of the Qomolangma National Nature Preserve Dingri County Branch, was also in attendance.

Following the Opening Ceremony, Director Tsering Norbu lead participants to a sand table model of the Qomolangma National Nature Preserve (QNNP) to give them a bird’s eye view of the Preserve and explain the importance of establishing the QNNP. During the introduction, Tsering Norbu explained the differences between the core zone, buffer zones and economic development zones of the Preserve. Trainees stared fixedly at the table, observing the jagged mountain ranges and the crisscrossed gorges. Amazed at the sight, they eagerly located their villages on the map and pointed them out to their fellow classmates.

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