The Third Hospitality Training Launched

On February 15, 2011, the Pendeba Society launched its third hospitality training. 12 participants from Tingri County were invited to the training program, among whom 8 are local Tibetan women.We are glad to have Mr. Badun once again to be our trainer to deliver this training program. Mr. Badun is currently the Chief Chef of the Mt. Everest Hotel in Tingri County and he is specialized in both Tibetan and Chinese cuisines, as well as Western foods.

 Through this 10-day hospitality training with the guidance of Mr. Badun, our trainees will have chances to learn various aspects of cooking including basic knife skills as well as how to prepare different styles of foods. Additionally, the trainees will also gain other knowledge in the field of hospitality manners. 

As an NGO focusing on environmental sustainability and community development, the Pendeba Society will keep incorporating information and education on environmental conservation during its training activities and having our participants fully exposed to diverse knowledge of sustainability issues in QNNP in addition to pragmatic vocational skills. This has been particularly critical for creating a sustainable livelihood in the Mt. Everest region, which is what the Pendeba Society has been putting efforts in.  

We hope that these trainings will provide participants with a platform to express their interest in pursuing a career in the culinary and hospitality industry. 

