Legal Non-Profit Status

The Pendeba Society, founded in 2009, is the first non-profit organization to be created in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. Legal status was obtained through  the Civil Affairs Bureau of the Shigatse Prefecture Government with support from the Management Bureau of the Qomolangma (Mt. Everest) National Nature Preserve.

The laws of China's government were carefully followed and permits were obtained from the county level government to the prefecture level in Shigatse. The Pendeba Society strictly adheres to Chinese laws and regulations such as the Regulation of NGO registration of the People’s Republic of China and the TAR Non-Profit Organization Accounting Regulation.

Membership and Administrative Structure of the Pendeba Society

General Assembly: The Pendeba Society General Assembly consists of 38 more representative members out of 276 Pendebas. Assembly members include Pendeba representatives from four counties, Pendeba trainers, supervisors working for the government and Pendeba program, government staff involved in the Pendeba program, and business people interested in the Pendeba society.

The assembly elects an executive committee consisting of representatives from each county, and also makes policy decisions on governance and financial management.

Executive committee: The executive committee consists of seven to 15 members. The executive committee supports, supervises and monitors the management, policies, leadership, and resources of the organization. The executive committee also reviews the strategic plan, reports, and makes decisions to ensure that the management and activities of the organization are in accordance with the organization's mandate.


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